create your own dish
Using carefully selected ingredients, you can create your own meal in 3 steps that will suit your taste and lifestyle, cooked in front of your eyes in a hot wok.
Using carefully selected ingredients, you can create your own meal in 3 steps that will suit your taste and lifestyle, cooked in front of your eyes in a hot wok.
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
egg, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cabbage, base sauce*
tojás, hagyma, sárgarépa, káposzta, babcsíra, alapszósz*
cabbage, onion, carrot, bean sprouts, cauliflower, chinese cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, base sauce*
káposzta, hagyma, sárgarépa, babcsíra, karfiol, kínai kel, brokkoli, cukkini, alapszósz*
* Base sauce may contain soy sauce
* Az alapszósz szójaszószt tartalmazhat
zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, chinese cabbage
cukkini, brokkoli, karfiol, kínai kel
Mildly spicy, sweet sauce with a touch of sour tamarind.
Enyhén csípős, édes szósz a tamarind fanyarságával.
Traditional Chinese sweet and sour with pineapple.
A hagyományos kínai édes-savanyú szósz az ananász aromájával.
Original japanese sauce with ginger and soy.
Eredeti japán szósz, amelyben a gyömbér és a szójaszósz dominál.
Mild but characteristic yellow curry with peanut and coconut milk.
Gyengéd, de karakteres sárga curry, mogyoró és kókusztej alappal.
Medium spicy, tasty and vibrant curry with the freshness of Thai lemongrass.
Közepesen csípős, zamatos és élénk ízű zöld curry, a thai citromfű frissességével.
Spicy coconut curry with the zestiness of lime leaf.
Pikáns kókuszos curry a lime levél frissességével.
The spiciest red curry with the aromatics of coriander.
A legcsípősebb vörös curryvel és a koriander aromájával.
The unique fusion of truffle and shiitake.
A szarvasgomba és shiitake különleges találkozása.
A sweet and sour chili sauce with the fruitiness of pineapple and passion fruit, with a mild Cayenne spiciness.
Édes-savanyú chili szósz az ananász és a maracuja gyümölcsösségével, lágy Cayenne csípősséggel.
A creamy coconut chili sauce with the sweet aroma of mango and the spiciness of Habanero chili.
Kókuszos, krémes chili szósz a mangó édes aromájával és a Habanero chili csípősségével.
Hot chili sauce, the deep flavor of palm sugar and the sour taste of tamarind meets the spicy kick of Ghost chili.
Tüzes chili szósz, az intenzív pálmacukor és a tamarind fanyar, savanykás íze, a Szellem chili csípős erejével.
Traditional Thai hot and sour soup with the flavour of galanga and lime.
Tradicionális csípős-savanyú Thai leves, a galanga és lime ízével.
Coconut milk flavoured Thai soup with lemongrass and kaffir lime.
Kókusztejes Thai leves, a citromfű és kaffír lime levél ízével.
Thai beef broth with Asian spices.
Thai marhaerőleves ázsiai fűszerekkel.
(0,33l • 0,75l)
coca-cola, cola zero, ginger ale, fanta, sprite zero, tonic
(alma, barack, narancs, ananász)
(apple, peach, orange, pineapple)
(gösser, gösser zitrone)
(white cuvée, rosé, sparkling wine)
(fehér cuvée, rosé, habzó)
Please ask the cashiers if you have questions regarding our food and food allergies.
Ételeinkkel és ételallergiával kapcsolatos kérdésekkel kérjük, hogy forduljanak eladóinkhoz.
Use our online nutrition calculator. Put your meal together in order to start the calculation!
CALCULATEWe know that allergy information is important for those who may be sensitive to certain ingredients.
Allergy chartGluten and egg free, low fibre noodle, light and fast absorbing carbs.
Due to the addition of eggs, it is also high in protein and iodine.
Light pasta made from mung beans, gluten and egg free.
A thick noodle made from wheat flour, a staple of Japanese cuisine.
Gluten-free, an excellent source of carbs. Easy to digest and filling.
It contains much more fibre, B vitamins and protein than white rice.
If you want a little extra fibre, a vegetable mix containing courgette, broccoli, cauliflower and Chinese kale is a good choice.
Vegan-friendly, high biological value Japanese noodles with almost zero calories and carbs.
Gluten-free, an excellent source of protein. High concentration of all 9 essential amino acids, essential for a healthy lifestyle.
Good source of calcium and vitamin E, high in protein. Complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids.
Beef is one of the body's most important sources of protein, vitamin B12 and zinc. Vitamin B helps energy absorption from food and, together with iron, helps prevent haemophilia.
One of the highest protein meats with low fat content.
High in thiamine and riboflavin, with three times the iron content of chicken. Excellent source of zinc and potassium.
It is particularly rich in vitamins B1 and B2, and has excellent levels of niacin, selenium and iodine!
Pork seasoned with soy and ginger. Breaded with sesame seeds using Japanese frying technique.
If you want a little extra fibre, a vegetable mix containing courgette, broccoli and cauliflower is a good choice.
High oil content, mainly vitamins B2, B3, B6 and vitamin E.
Strengthens the immune system and keeps the skin youthful.
High in potassium and iron, and also high in B vitamins.
It has excellent potassium content, high moisture and optimal protein content, low calorie value and high saturation value due to its indigestible fibre content.
One of the most effective natural immune boosters, its beneficial effects on the human body are outstanding among medicinal mushrooms
High in vitamin C, but also high in vitamins B1, B2 and niacin.
Rich in vitamins A, C and K, it can be eaten raw, baked or as a side dish. It helps digestion and lowers blood pressure.
It has digestive properties and is high in fibre, which makes it highly digestible and filling
High in protein and essential amino acids, making them especially recommended for vegans and vegetarians. Additionally, they contain numerous valuable vitamins and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid, vitamin K1, vitamin B1, riboflavin, and copper. Lotus root: The Indian lotus is an aquatic plant whose root is the lotus root. Lotus root is rich in many vitamins (C, B6) and minerals, and is a healthy source of carbohydrates and fiber. It is fat and cholesterol-free.
An extremely good source of calcium, but also significant in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, E, B1, B2.
It has an exceptionally high content of vitamins A and C, and is rich in B vitamins. Its beneficial effects on health are due not only to its high nutrient content but also to its high polyphenol content, which acts as antioxidants.
A crunchy flavour bomb to top off your meal.
It has digestive properties.
Excellent source of vitamin E, high in phosphorus, iron, copper and potassium.
Lime is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, supporting the immune system and protecting cells.
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